Section 9 - Technical System Documentation A. System Overview The Master File Application is the heart of the ISI System. It’s design allows the downstream posting of the Joint Interest Billing and Revenue Distribution. The advantages are that when you update a name & address with a current address for example, all applications will now be updated: A/P, A/R, JIB, Revenue, Payroll. There is no chance of updating one application without updating another. In fact all companies will be updated as well. As entries are created downstream, the common NA# is used as well as GL#. Each record type is called a file segment. A single file (MASTER) with many file segments allows the more efficient RPG programs to be created as well as reduces file management effort. B. List of Procedures, and Programs Program # Description B7MFAA Update Any Master B7MFAB Print Any Master B7MFAD Zeros and Reposts Capture to GLBFWD for Desired Month B7MFAF Prints P&L Headings B7MFAG Prints Master List Via ADDROUT B7MFAH Prints Master List Via ADDROUT B7MFAI Create State and County Masters B7MFAJ Set Indexed File to 'I' File B7MFLB Print Labels B7MF01 Post HISJOB file B7MF02 Post HISACC file B7MF03 Print HISJOB file B7MF04 Print HISACC file B7MF05 Print Control Records B7MF06 Build Associated P & L # and Header File B7MF07 Zero a Month of Beginning Balance in GLBFWD B7MF08 Set Date and Printer Information in LDA B7MF09 Print Name and Address List B7MF10 Display HISJOB file B7MF11 Display HISACC file B7MF12 Lease Master Inquiry B7MF13 Inquiry Name And Address B7MF14 Post 1099 codes and type of entity codes B7MF14A Plug Lease Master with Active code B7MF15 Update Currency Conversion Table B7MF16 Convert ASCII File to 132 Col BTRIEVE File B7MF22 Purge Duplicate Records in Capture B7MF22A Purge Duplicate Records in OUTS B7MF23 Prints Lease Labels for Various Files B7MF33 Add One 128 Column File to Another B7MF34 Print N/A labels for various files B7MF35 Print Lease or N/A Labels B7MF36 Print Product List from MASTER File B7MF37 Read Limit File and Write to LDA B7MF38 Set Date in LDA and Printer Control B7MF38A Sets Date and Limits in LDA & Creates Limits File B7MF39 Read LDA from 129 to 256 & Output Limit File B7MF40 Print Lease Labels from Keyboard B7MF41 Print Master by ADDROUT File B7MF42 Print Lease Master B7MF43 Print Labels for Joint Venture Interest, Revenue DI, N/A Master B7MF43 Print Labels for Joint Venture Interest B7MF43A Print Labels/Name & Address B7MF43B Print N/A Labels For Revenue DI Master Only B7MF44 Print Company and Division Numbers B7MF45 Print Lease Masters B7MF46 Print Field Masters B7MF47 Print Rolodex cards B7MF48 Print Prospect Masters B7MF49 Print Region and Geological Masters B7MF50 Purge JVINTR of Unused Records B7MF51 Create ALEASE and ANAMES Files B7MF52 Purge RAESUM of Unused Gross Records B7MF53 Purge RAESUM of Unused Records B7MF54 Purge Master of Unused Lease Records B7MF55 Purge Master of Unused Name Records B7MF56 Update ALEASE with "00" Leases B7MF57 Update LSXREF with "M"(match) or "X"(drop) B7MF58 Update DIMAST with "M"(match) or "X" (drop) B7MF59 Purge RAESUM of Unused Property P&L Net Records B7MF60 Print Lease Master Recap Report B7MF61 Build Spool Image File for System 36 B7MF62 Split Master into Segments B7MF79 Update Region and Geological Masters B7MF80 Updates Prospect Name In Master File B7MF81 Master File Entry/Update - Chart of Accounts B7MF82 Master File Entry/Update - Company ID B7MF83 Master File Entry/Update - Name and Address B7MF83A Build NALPHA file B7MF84 Master File Entry/Update - Leases B7MF85 Master File Entry/Update - State and Counties B7MF86 Master File Entry/Update - Financial Statement Headings B7MF87 Master File Entry/Update - Product Codes B7MF88 Master File Entry/Update - Fields B7MF89 Master File Entry/Update - Control Records B7MF90 Builds and Updates Backward N/A file Keys B7MFAL Build Alabama State and County Masters BFMFAR Build Arkansas State and County Masters B7MFAZ Build Arizona State and County Masters B7MFCA Build California State and County Masters B7MFCO Build Colorado State and County Masters B7MFCT Build Connecticut State and County Masters B7MFDE Build Delaware State and County Masters B7MFFL Build Florida State and County Masters B7MFGA Build Georgia State and County Masters B7MFHI Build Hawaii State and County Masters B7MFIA Build Iowa State and County Masters B7MFID Build Idaho State and County Masters B7MFIL Build Illinois State and County Masters B7MFIN Build Indiana State and County Masters B7MFKS Build Kansas State and County Masters B7MFKY Build Kentucky State and County Masters B7MFLA Build Louisiana State and County Masters B7MFMA Build Massachusetts State and County Masters B7MFMD Build Maryland State and County Masters B7MFME Build Maine State and County Masters B7MFMI Build Michigan State and County Masters B7MFMN Build Minnesota State and County Masters B7MFMO Build Missouri State and County Masters B7MFMS Build Mississippi State and County Masters B7MFMT Build Montana State and County Masters B7MFNB Build Nebraska State and County Masters B7MFNC Build North Carolina State and County Masters B7MFND Build North Dakota State and County Masters B7MFNH Build New Hampshire State and County Masters B7MFNJ Build New Jersey State and County Masters B7MFNM Build New Mexico State and County Masters B7MFNV Build Nevada State and County Masters B7MFNY Build New York State and County Masters B7MFOH Build Ohio State and County Masters B7MFOK Build Oklahoma State and County Masters B7MFOR Build Oregon State and County Masters B7MFPA Build Pennsylvania State and County Masters B7MFRI Build Rhode Island State and County Masters B7MFSC Build South Carolina State and County Masters B7MFSD Build South Dakota State and County Masters B7MFTN Build Tennessee State and County Masters B7MFTX Build Texas State and County Masters B7MFUT Build Utah State and County Masters B7MFVA Build Virginia State and County Masters B7MFVT Build Vermont State and County Masters B7MFWA Build Washington State and County Masters B7MFWI Build Wisconsin State and County Masters B7MFWV Build West Virginia State and County Masters B7MFWY Build Wyoming State and County Masters C. File Record Layouts 1. MASTER - Chart of Accounts Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1N RECORD Constant '1' 3 5 3N GL#PRI GL#, Primary Account 6 9 4N GL#SUB GL#, Sub Account 10
GL#, Sub Description 34
P & L Code 39 98 60A GL#COM GL# Comment 99 102 4A OSPRI# Oil & Gas Summary PRI #/Array Class Code 103 108 6A CATGRY Category Code Used Primarily for Lease Payout Report 109 111 3A CD1099 1099 Code 1st char: C = Credit account D = Debit account N/A #'s in credit accounts will be selected only if a match is found in the Debit account. 2nd char: M = Miscellaneous Form D = Dividend Form 3rd char: Defined by user. Example: A = Non-Cash Dividends 112 112 1A NEWOLD Fixed Assets Code (New or Used) N = New U = Used 113 128 16A BLANK Not Used 2. MASTER - Company Identification Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1N RECORD Constant '2' 3 4 2N CO# Company # 5
Division # 7 9 3N BR# Branch or Department # 10 37 28A CO#NAM Company Name 38 39 2N FYSTMO Beginning Month of Fiscal Year Example- Fiscal Month Begins in June- '06' 40 46 7N NETGL# Net Income GL# for Posting Yr-End 47 53 7N CO#NA# Company Name & Address # 54 59 6N DATEOR Date Originated (MMDDYY) 60 60 1A ENTITY Type of Entity I = Individual P = Partnership C = Corporation F = Fiduciary T = Trust 61 61 1A METHOD Method of accounting for IRS tax reporting A = Accrual C = Cash O = Other 62 63 2A FCSE Method of oil and gas accounting FC = Full cost SE = Successful Efforts 64 64 1A REVMTH Method of Accounting for Revenue Application A=accrual C=cash O=other 65 65 1A AROMIT Supress A/R Sub Ledger Y=Yes N=No 66 66 1A APOMIT Supress A/P Sub Ledger Y=Yes N=No 67 120 54A BLANK Not Used 121 124 4P7.0 WACCT# GL# That Wages Are Charged To 125 128 4P7.0 COCHG CO/DV/BR Where Wages Are Charged 3. MASTER - Name and Address Master Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1N RECORD Constant '3' 3 9 7N NA# Name & Address # 10 33 24A NA#NAM Name 34 55 22A CAROF Care of 56 74 19A ADDRES Address 75 85 11A CITY City 86 87 2A STATE State 88 92 5A ZIP1 Zip Code (Field 1-5) 93
Revenue Purchaser Format Code 94 98 5A ZIP2 Zip Code (Field 6-10) 99 99 1A SUSSEL Omit owners from Suspense by State Report (OW67) if field contains an 'X'. 100 100 1A PDEDIT Edit Code Indicator (Prod) 1 = Fed ID 2 = SS# 101 101 1A PDIGIT Gas Prod RPT Digit Check Digit 102 102 1A PDWPT If this Field contains a '4', then the WPT Adjusted Base Price will be rounded to four decimal places. 103 109 7P13.0 PHONE Telephone # 110 113 4P7.0 INSDAT Expiration date for insurance certificates in 'MMDDYY' format. CRDIT$ Credit Limit (NOT USED) 114 118 5P9.0 SS# Social Security # OR, if Negative, Federal I.D.# 119 122 4P7.0 AFFCO# Affiliated Company I.D.# (If Any) 123 126 4P7.2 BNKCHG Bank Charge (Lease Records) 127
1099 code (Y/N/A/R/T) Y= receive a 1099 on all checks issued in the calendar year - will post as “A” NEC N=Do not issue a 1099 A=Issue a NEC 1099 R=Issue a RENTS 1099 T=Prizes and Awards - Travel 128 128 1A NAENTI Type of entity (see Co/DV/BR form) 4. MASTER - Expanded Name and Address Master Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1N RECORD Constant '5' 3 9 7N NA# Name & Address # 10 33 24A NAME1 Expanded Name Field 1 34 57 24A NAME2 Expanded Name Field 2 58 81 24A NAME3 Expanded Name Field 3 82 105 24A NAME4 Expanded Name Field 4 106 117 12A FAX# Fax Machine Phone # 118 128 11 BLANK Not Used 5. NALPHA - Alpha Sequence for Name and Address MasterRecord Length: 32 File Name: NALPHA Key Length: 7 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or ‘B’ 2 8 7N NA# Name and Address # 9 32 24A NALPHA Alpha Sequence Code for name 6. MASTER - Lease Master Record Length 128 File name MASTER Key Length 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1A RECORD CONSTANT 'L' 3 7 5A LEASE# Producing Lease # 8 9 2A WELL# Producing Well # 10 10 1A ALOCAT Allocatable Lease Code (Blank/A) 11 14 4P7.0 OPRNA# Operator N/A # 15 15 1A EXPLDEV Exploratory/Development code 16 16 1A OILREC Type Recovery Oil 'P' = Primary 'S' = Secondary 'T' = Transferred 'R' = Regulated 17 17 1A GASREC Type Recovery Gas 'P' = Primary 'S' = Secondary 'T' = Transferred 'R' = Regulated 18 21 4P7.0 PRDDAT First Production Date (MMDDYY) 22 22 1A SUSBIL Billable Code S = in Suspense R = Released from Suspense N = Non-billable B = Billable 23 25 3P5.5 LSTXRT Lease Severance Tax Rate 26 27 2A LSTATE State 28 29 2P3.0 LSCTY# County 30 32 3P5.0 LS#FLD Field Number 33 56 24A LS#NAM Lease Name 57 58 2N WELL# Number of Wells in Lease 59 61 3P5.0 GROACR Gross Acres 62 65 4P7.0 DTACQU Date Acquired (MMDDYY) 66 66 1A POOPT Payout Report Option (Y/N) 67 67 1A Not Used 68 68 1A FSTPUR 1st Purchaser code Y = Lease is a First Purchaser N = Lease is Not First Purchaser 69 74 6P10.0 GASID# Comptroller's Gas Lease I. D. # 75 79 5P9.8 NOPRWI Non-Operated Working Interest 80 83 4P7.0 FSCODE Financial Summary Code(CoDvBr#) 84 87 4P7.0 GASNA# Gas Contract Purchaser N/A # 88 91 4P7.0 GASDAT Gas Contract Date (MMDDYY) 92 95 4A FASTAX Fastax # 96 101 6P11.2 OILRES Oil Reserves in Bbls 102 107 6P11.0 GASRES Gas Reserves in MCF'S 108 112 5P9.8 REVINT Our Revenue Interest 113 117 5A PRSPCT Prospect # 118 122 5P9.8 BPOWI# Total Revenue Int Before Pay Out 123 127 5P9.8 APOWI# Total Revenue Int After Pay Out 128 128 1A ACTIVE Active/Inactive Lease code I - Inactive A or blank - Active P - Plugged S - Sold 7. MASTER - State and County Master Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1A RECORD Constant 'S' 3 4 2A ST#COD State Code - Use the same 2-character abbreviation that the Post Office has designated for each State. 5 7 3N ST#CTY County #, '000' for State Record and then numerically assign numbers to each County. 8
Constant '00' 10 25 16A ST#DES State/County Description
26 29 4P7.2 UNTXBS State Unemployment Tax Base 30 31 2P3.3 UNTXPC State Unemployment Tax Percent 32 35 4P7.0 WGL# P/R State Withholding GL# 36 49 14A ST#ID# State Employer ID Number 50 128 79A BLANK Not Used 8. MASTER - Field Master Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 2 1A RECORD Constant 'M' 3 4 2A FD#ST# State Code 5 9 5N FD# Field Number 10 41 32A FD#NAM Field Name 42 55 14A FLDRRC RRC Field Designation used to sort by field for P1 & P2 56 61 6N EIAFLD Field# used by Federal Energy Commission for reporting the EIA-23 62 65 4N DISCVY Field discovery year required on EIA-23 Report 66 128 63A BLANK Not Used 9. MASTER - Control Records Record Length: 128 File name MASTER Key Length: 8 Position: 2 - 9 Location Field Field From
Description a. Accounts Receivable Account Numbers 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000001' 11 94 7N X 12 AR# Array of Valid Accounts Receivable Account Numbers Note - First element must be Joint Interest Billing A/R account. b. Accounts Payable Account Numbers 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000002' 11 94 7N X 12 AP# Array of Valid Accounts Payable Account Numbers Note - First Element must be Joint Interest Billing A/P account
number. c. Cash Account Numbers 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000006' 11 94 7N X 12 C$# Array of Valid Cash Account Numbers d. System Generated Batch Number Descriptions 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 6 5A RECORD Constant '*GL00' 7 9 3N BATCH# Batch Number 11 44 34A BTDESC Batch Description e. Operating Company Identification 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000009' 10 10 1A INVOPT Invoice print option Enter “x” if you do not wish to print invoices for the operating company 11 52 7N X 6 OPR# Array of Valid “from” Oil and Gas Operator Co/Div/Br Numbers 53 94 7N X 6 ONR# Array of Valid “to” Oil and Gas Operators Co/Div/Br Numbers 95 95 1A JEXACT Enter “Y” if the JIB MASTER must match exactly on the well and bill code in accounting transactions f. Net Amount Primary Accounts 1 1 1A STATUS Blank or 'B' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000013' 11 91 3N X 30 PRINET Array of Net Primary Account Numbers posted to 'RAESUM' Note - The Net Field of these
accounts will be posted to 'RAESUM' g. Gross Amount Primary Accounts 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000014' 5 11 70 3N X 30 PRIGRS Array of Gross Primary Account Numbers that will be posted to 'RAESUM' Note - The Gross Field of these
accounts will be posted to 'RAESUM' h. Lease Primary Account Numbers 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000016' 11 100 3N X 30 PROD# Array of Producing Leases Primary Account Numbers. These accounts must have a valid producing lease number in the lease master i. Name & Address Primary Account Numbers 1 1 1A STATUS 2 9 8A KEY '*0000017' 11 100 3N X 30 PRINA# Array of Primary Account Numbers The primary account numbers which require a valid name/address number in order to retrieve a year-to-date transaction report by Name/Address Number j. Printer and Date Defaults 1 1 1A STATUS 2 9 8A KEY '*0000020' 10 59 2A X 25 ARRAY Array of Workstation ID Numbers 60 109 2A X 25 ARRAY Array of Associated Printer ID Numbers 110 111 2N #DAYS Number of Days - Initiates most likely report date using current date. This is one month prior to current date unless day of current month is within the number of days in this control record. In that case, it is 2 months prior to the current date. If the number of days is negative, the report date is one month prior to current date unless the current date is within that many days of the end of the month. By using #DAYS, the operator should very seldom need to enter the report date. EXAMPLES: #DAYS CURRENT REPORT 00 09/16/79 08/31/79 00 01/26/79 12/31/78 05 09/17/79 08/31/79 05 10/04/79 08/31/79 05 10/06/79 09/30/79 -5 09/25/79 09/30/79 -5 09/20/79 08/31/79 112
Forms Length k. Options 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C' or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '********' 11 11 1A APOPT Accounts Payable Option N = Does not overlay Division and Branch with '00000' Not BLANK does overlay with '00000' 12 12 1A AROPT Accounts Receivable Option N = Does not overlay Division and Branch with '00000' Not BLANK does overlay with '00000' 13 13 1A CSOPT Cash Option N = Does not overlay Division and Branch with '00000' Not BLANK does overlay with '00000' 14
Joint Venture Option GL01 calculates operator net and generates joint venture A/R or A/P BLANK - Does Not Generate Y - Does Generate 15 15 1N OPTION4 Accounts Receivable Name and Address Prefix Constant ('3' or '4') 16 16 1N OPTION5 Accounts Payable Name and Address Prefix Constant ('3' or '4') 17 17 1N OPTION6 General Ledger Account Number Format Option: 2 - XXX-XXXX 18 18 1N OPTION7 Index of Account Number Digit that controls the P & L break 19 19 1N OPTION8 Constant of the Account Number that controls the P & L break 20 20 1N OPTION9 If yes, then the following fields will not be required on accounting edits: source code 10: invoice, invoice date, voucher, deposit #. source code 20: invoice, invoice date, voucher. l. Source Codes 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*AR00500' 11 74 2N X 32 ARRAY Array of Valid Source Codes m.
Source Code Descriptions
1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 7 6A KEY '*AR005' 8
Source Code 11
Source Code Description n. AFE Number Primary Account 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*0000025' 11 100 3N X 30 AFE# Array of AFE Primary Account # posted to 'AFESUM' o. AFE Description Code 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 8 7A KEY '*OAAAAB' 9 9 1A TYPCDE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 11 42 32A TYPDSC Description that corresponds to AFE Type Code p. MISC & DIV 1099's for Non-employee Compensation 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 8 7A KEY '*GLAAAA' 9 9 1A CD1099 User-defined 1099 code 10 11 2N BX1099 Box number of the 1099 amount Valid codes: Form MISC - Box 07 (non- employee compensation) Form DIV - Box 01 (Gross Dividends) OR Box 06 (Non-Taxable Distributions) 12 43 32A DS1099 Description of the user-defined code 44 67 24A FN1099 Form # of 1099 Form. Example: OMB No.1545-0110 (Dividends) OMB No.1545-0115 (Misc Income) 68 68 1N IN1099 Index # for IRS-BBS Publication 1220 1099 MISC 1=Rents, 2=Royalties, 3=Other income, 4=Federal Income Tax withheld 5=Fishing boat proceeds 6=Medical and health care payment 7=Non-employee compensation q. 1099 Transmitter “T” record 1 1 1A STATUS 'A', 'C', or 'R' 2 9 8A KEY '*GLAAABA' 10 18 9N TRTIN Transmitters Tax Identification Number 19 58 40A TRNAME Transmitters name 59 88 30A TRCONT Transmitters contact name (person) 89 98 10A TRPHON Transmitters contact phone number (no puncuation) 10. LDA - Local Data Area Standardized 'LDA' Layout (Local Data Area) Location Field Field From
Description 1 2 2A Drive Letter Example: C: 3 8 6A Procedure start (HHMMSS) (Loaded by MF01) (STIME) 9 10 2A Current Workstation ID 11 16 6N Current Date (MM/DD/YY) 17 22 6N Report Date (MM/DD/YY) 23 30 8N Time (HH:MM: AM or PM) 31 38 8A User ID 39 39 1A Cancel Code "C" = job cancelled 40 40 1A Reserved 41 51 11N Numeric Field 52 86 35A Alpha Description 87 88 2N Overflow Field 104 105 2N # of copies / 01 106 108 3A JOBQ? - 'YES' OR 'NO' (not used) 109 111 3A Spool? - 'YES' OR 'NO'(not used) 112 112 1N Priority (not used) 113 114 2A Printer Identification 115 116 2A File Label (Client code prefix) 117 122 6N RPTCAD Report century - CCYYMM 128 128 6N CURCAD Current century - CCYYMM 362 489 128A Procedure Parameters 490 499 10A Ex: OCL path “\ss\mf\ocl” 500 507 8A Name of procedure “MF01” 508 508 1A Start or end of procedure S=start E=end D=date (called after MF08) 11. DOLLAR - Currency Conversion Table Record Length: 193 File name Key Length: 6 Position: 2 - 7 Location Field Field From
Description 1 1 1A STATUS 2 3 2N CO#PRI 4 5 2N DOLYR 6 7 2N DOLMO 8 193 31X1.5P6 P$ Conversion Rates for Primary Company 12. HISJOB - History file of all jobs run Record Length: 256 File name HISJOB Key Length: 32 Position: 1 - 32 Location Field Field From
Description 1 8 8N HISDAT History date CCYYMMDD (from UDATE) 9 14 6N HISTIM History start time HHMMSS (from TIME op code) 15 16 2A HISWS History workstation ID 17 24 8A USERID User ID 25 32 8A HISOCL Name of the OCL procedure 33 160 128A HISPAR OCL parameters 161 166 6N HISEND History ending time HHMMSS (from TIME op code) 167 172 6N RPTDAT Report date from MF08 MMDDYY 173 178 6N CURDAT Current date from MF08 MMDDYY 179 256 78A not used Alternate keys: Key 2: HISOCL, USERID, HISDAT, HISTIM, HISWS Key 3: HISWS, HISDAT, HISTIM, USERID, HISOCL Key 4: USERID, HISDAT, HISTIM, HISOCL, HISWS BLDFILE ?L’115,2’?HISJOB,I,10,256,1,32,(25,8,17,8,1,16),(15,2,1,14,17,16),(17,8,1,14,25,8,15,2) 13. HISACC - History file of all accounting edits posted Record Length: 128 File name HISACC Key Length: 24 Position: 1 - 24 Location Field Field From
Description 1 8 8N PSTDAT Posting date CCYYMMDD 9 14 6N PSTTIM Posting start time HHMMSS 15 16 2A PSTWS Posting workstation ID 17 24 8A USERID User ID 25 30 6N PSTEND Posting ending time HHMMSS 31 36 6A PSTFIL Posting file name 37 42 6A CAPFIL CAPTURE file name 43 48 6A CAPFI2 2nd CAPTURE file name 49 49 1A OPTGLB GLBFWD option Y/N 50 50 1A OPTCAP CAPTURE option Y/N 51 51 1A OPTOUT OUTS option Y/N 52 52 1A OPTRAE RAESUM option Y/N 53 53 1A OPTAFE AFESUM option Y/N 54
option Y/N 55 55 1A OPTAPD APDIST option Y/N 56 62 7A not used 63 70 15.2P8 NETAMT Net amount (normally zero) 71 74 4N ACMMYY Accounting month/year 75 128 54A not used Alternate keys: Key 2: USERID, PSTDAT, PSTTIM, PSTWS Key 3: PSTWS, HISDAT, HISTIM, USERID BLDFILE ?L’115,2’?HISACC,I,10,128,1,24,(17,8,1,16),(15,2,1,14,17,8)
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Cliff Buchanan - 915-550-3302 |