ISI Software Oil & Gas System


Section 3 - Sample Forms

A. Chart of Accounts Update Form 
B. Company Identification Masters Update Form 
C. Name & Address Masters Update Form 
D. Lease Masters Update Form 
E. State and County Masters Update Form 
F. Field Masters Update Form 
G. Control Records 
    1. Source Codes and Descriptions Update Form 
    2. System Generated Batch # Descriptions 
    3. Printer and Date Defaults 
        a. Enter the Work Station ID and associated Default Printer ID. 
        b. Enter the number of days for the default report date. 
    4. Options 
    5. Reserved 
    6. Accounts Receivable Account Numbers 
    7. Accounts Payable Account Numbers 
    8. Cash Account Numbers 
    9. Lease Primary Account Numbers 
    10. Name and Address Primary Accounts 
    11. Net Amount Primary Accounts 
    12. Gross Amount Primary Accounts 
    13. AFE Number Primary Account 
    14. AFE Description By Type 
    15. Plug '00000' to DV/BR# 
    16. Currency Conversion 
    17. Omit plug of DV/BR of “00000” to Cash 
    18. Overhead Co/DV/Br Billing 
    19. Type of 1099 
    20. 1099 Transmitter Record 




A.          Chart of Accounts Update Form


Account Number                __-____ (7 char)

Description                  ________________________ (24 char)

P&L Code                     _____                

Category Code           ______     1099 Code                    ___



Category codes:

Position 1

Positions 2&3

Positions 4-6

Positions 4-6

N=Non producing

WI=Working interest

OIL=Oil income

EQP=Equipment or tangibles


RI=Royalty interest

GAS=Gas income

DHC=Dry hole cost


MI=Mineral interest

PLT=Plant products income

LOE=Lease operating expense


PP=Prod. payment

OTX=Oil production tax

COM=Compression Charges


NP=Net profits interest

GTX=Gas production tax

DHY=Dehydration Charges



PTX=Plant products tax

HDL=Handling Charges



WPT=Windfall profits tax




LHC=Leasehold costs

STR=Severance Tax reimbursement



IDC=Intangible costs

DPL=Accumulated Depletion




DPR=Depreciation expense for Lease/Well Equipment


1099 codes:

Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

C=Credit acct


User defined. Example:

D=Debit acct

S=Select and use the debit account


A=Non-employee compensation


C=Non-cash dividends

D=Cash dividends

E=Stock bonus

T=Prizes, awards, travel


B.          Company Identification Masters Update Form


Company Identification #               ___-____-______


Company Name          _________________________________________


Name and Address Number          ____________


Fiscal Year Starting Month          _____          (MONTH 01 - 12)


Type of Entity                     __                           (I,P,C,F,T,E,N,O)

I = Individual                                                F = Feduciary

P = Partnership                                T = Trust

C = Corporation                                E = Estate

N = Non-profit                                O=Other (Exempt from Oklahoma Royalty Withholding Tax)


Date Originated                                            _____(MMDDYY)

Tax Basis Accounting Method                                                  (A,C,O)

A = Accrual (Record Income when billed)

C = Cash (Record Income when Received)

O = Other


Net Income GL Account                                __-____

Oil & Gas Accounting Method                _                (FC,SE)

FC = Full Cost

SE = Successful Effort


Payroll Wage Expense Account #                ___-____


Company ID to Charge

Payroll Expense (Co/Dv/Br)                           __-__-___

Revenue Application Basis(A,C,O)                _

A = Accrual (Record Income when billed)

C = Cash (Record Income when Received)

O = Other


Suppress sub-ledger for A/R                __ (Y/N)                A/P                __ (Y/N)


C.          Name & Address Masters Update Form


Name & Address #                                              ______________


Name                                                                      __________________________________








Care of                                                                   ______________________________


Address                                                 ______________________________


City, State, Zip                                                          _______________________  _____ 


Phone Number  A/C, phone                     (_______) _____-________ Ext ___


Fax Number    A/C, phone                     (_______) _____-________


Insurance Date                                                     ____/____/____


Social Security #                                              _____________________(Negative if Fed I.D.)


Affiliated Co/Dv/Br                                               ___________  _____________________________


Bank Charge                                                   ____.__


Production                           (edit)                _                (digit)                _                (WPT)                _   (gas producers report)


Receive 1099?  __                (N=no Y=yes A=NEC 1099 R=rents T=Prizes, awards, travel)


Type of entity (I/P/C/F/T/E/N/O)  __  (see CO/DV/BR form)


Name alpha field                                        _________________________________________


“X” will omit printing on (OW67) Suspense by State.


D.          Lease Masters Update Form


Lease Number                                  _______

Lease Name                                      ________________________

State Code                                       __

County Code                                       ___

Operator #                                              _______

Field                                                       _____                                    No. of Wells                      __

Oil Type                                 _                                              Gas Type                       _

P = Primary                                T = Transferred

S = Secondary                                R = Regulated


Production Date                  __/__/__                              Date Acquired                              __/__/__


Contract Date                                        __/__/__                              Lease Severance                _____

(MM/DD/YY)                                                                                     Tax Rate

Gas ID Number                  ________                           Purchaser #                         _______

User Data                                        ____                                       Old Ac. Code                       _____

                (Reserved for future use)

Fastax Number                                  ___                                         1st purchaser Oil                _(Y/N)

Gross Acres                                     _____

Prospect #                                              _____

Our Working Interest                  _.________

Our Revenue Interest                  _.________

Oil Reserves                                              _________.__

Gas Reserves                                              ___________

Total Revenue Interest                  _.________

Before Payout

Total Revenue Interest                  _.________

After Payout

 Allocatable Code                                                _

Exploratory/Development Code                _

Active/Inactive Code                                       _


E.       State and County Masters Update Form


State, County Code                       __                ___(000 county for state records)


Description (State or county name is automatically displayed)


Base Wages for

State Unemployment                     _____.__


State Unemployment

Tax Rate                                 ___


Employer's State

ID Number                                             ______________


General Ledger Account

for State Withholding                         ___-____



Note : No data may be changed on county records. Unemployment and withholding data is only contained in state records with 000 county codes.


F.       Field Masters Update Form



Field Code

Field Name or Description



























































G.          Control Records


1.            Source Codes and Descriptions Update Form


KEY                *AR00500 - One record contains all source codes.

KEY                *AR005__ - Add source code to end of key for individual source code

description records.



COLUMN                SOURCE                DESCR IN                            COLUMN             SOURCE                DESC IN

FROM TO                CODE                     COL 11-26                            FROM TO          CODE                     COL 11-26


1.        11-12     __     _______________

2.        13-14     __     _______________

3.        15-16     __     _______________

4.        17-18     __     _______________

5.        19-20     __     _______________

6.        21-22     __     _______________

7.        23-24     __     _______________

8.        25-26     __     _______________

9.        27-28     __     _______________

10.      29-30     __     _______________

11.      31-32     __     _______________

12.      33-34     __     _______________

13.      35-36     __     _______________

14.      37-38     __     _______________

15.      39-40     __     _______________

16.      41-42     __     _______________

17.      43-44     __     _______________

18.      45-46     __     _______________

19.      47-48     __     _______________

20.      49-50     __     _______________

21.      51-52     __     _______________

22.      53-54     __     _______________

23.      55-56     __     _______________

24.      57-58     __     _______________

25.      59-60     __     _______________

26.      61-62     __     _______________

27.      63-64     __     _______________

28.      65-66     __     _______________

29.      67-68     __     _______________

30.      69-70     __     _______________

31.      71-72     __     _______________

32.      73-74     __     _______________

Note: All source codes are placed in one record using record key *AR00500. Corresponding source code descriptions are placed in separate records. For example, the description for source code 10 is 'Cash Receipt' and is entered in columns 11-26 of a separate control record with a key of *AR00510.


Enter "Source Codes" in columns 101-128 to identify the records.

2.            System Generated Batch # Descriptions


BATCH DESCRIPTION                                                                                BATCH DESCRIPTION

KEY        COLUMNS 11 - 44                      KEY                COLUMNS 11 - 44


*GL00901                A/P computer checks

*GL00902                A/P hand checks

*GL00903                Payroll journal entries

*GL00904                Billing journal entries - LOE

*GL00905                Billing journal entries - A/R

*GL00906                Cash receipts

*GL00907                Revenue checks

*GL00908               Revenue minimum pay and suspense

*GL00909               Gas production tax payable

*GL00910                Revenue income Distribution

*GL00911               Oil production tax payable

*GL00912               Transfer drilling expense to DHC

*GL00913               Cleared leases from RAESUM 230/235

*GL00914               Volume allocation-operating cost

*GL00915               Generate dividend checks

*GL00916                Billing adjustment

*GL00917               Lease records rental checks

*GL00918                Lease records A/R

*GL00919                Billing suspense detail

*GL00920               Overhead and Pumping Journal

*GL00921                Allocatable Lease Billing

*GL00922                Finance Charge Income

*GL00923               Lease use and production tax

*GL00925               Lease Records Rental Checks (Prospect Level)

*GL00926               Lease Records Affiliated Companies Edit (Property Level)

*GL00927               Lease Records Affiliated Companies Edit (Prospect Level)

*GL00928               Reserved

*GL00929               Reserved

*GL00930                RAESUM reversal edit

*GL00931                RAESUM transfer edit

*GL00932                Accumulated Depletion

*GL00933                Revenue Intercompany edit

*GL00934                Depletion Edit

*GL00935               Depreciation edit

*GL00936               JIB Accrual

*GL00999               A/P balance Fwd for new year


The descriptions are for system generated batches and print on the Accounting Recap Report.


Enter "System Batch" in columns 101-128 of each record to identify the records on listings.

3.         Printer and Date Defaults


Key *0000020


a.            Enter the Work Station ID and associated Default Printer ID.



FROM-TO     ID                FROM-TO                  PRINTER ID


1.       10-11       __         60-61       __

2.       12-13       __         62-63       __

3.       14-15       __         64-65       __

4.       16-17       __         66-67       __

5.       18-19       __         68-69       __

6.       20-21       __         70-71       __

7.       22-23       __         72-73       __

8.       24-25       __         74-75       __

9.       26-27       __         76-77       __

10.     28-29       __         78-79       __

11.     30-31       __         80-81       __

12.     32-33       __         82-83       __

13.     34-35       __         84-85       __

14.     36-37       __         86-87       __

15.     38-39       __         88-89       __

16.     40-41       __         90-91       __

17.     42-43       __         92-93       __

18.     44-45       __         94-95       __

19.     46-47       __         96-97       __

20.     48-49       __         98-99       __

21.     50-51       __         100-101          __

22.     52-53       __         102-103          __

23.     54-55       __         104-105          __

24.     56-57       __         106-107          __

25.     58-59       __         108-109          __


b.            Enter the number of days for the default report date.





110-111                   __                Days


The Report Date that is automatically displayed on the Date and Printer Information Screen is controlled by the number of days entered.  If 00 is entered, the default report date is the current date.  If a positive number of days are entered, the Default Report Date is the Ending Date two months prior unless the Current Day is greater than the Days entered.  If the Current Day is greater, the Default Report Date is Last Month's Ending Date.


Examples : #Days                    Current                Default

Date                                Date

00                                09/16/82                08/31/82

05                                09/04/82                07/31/82

05                                09/06/82                08/31/82



112-113                   __                Page Length


Enter "Defaults" in columns 120-128 to identify the record on listing.


4.            Options


Key ********



FROM-TO                DATA                    EXPLANATION


11-11                       Y/N                         Accounts Payable Option

                                                                if “N” then A/P G/L# will not plug “00000” to CO/DV/BR

12-12                       Y/N                         Accounts Receivable Option

                                                                if “N” then A/R G/L# will not plug “00000” to CO/DV/BR

13-13                       Y/N                         Cash Option

                                                                if “N” then Cash G/L# will not plug “00000” to CO/DV/BR

14-14                _                Joint Interest Billing Application   -   Blank = Not installed, Y = Installed

15-17                       332                          Enter 332

18-18 _ Location of the first significant digit in the general ledger account number that separates balance sheet and P&L accounts. If the normal 7 digit account number is used, enter 1.

19-19                       _                              High order digit of first P&L account number

For example :

100-0000                Balance sheet

200-0000                Balance sheet

300-0000                Balance sheet

400-0000                Balance sheet

500-0000                P&L accounts

600-0000                P&L accounts

700-0000                P&L accounts

The high order digit of account 500-0000 is 5.

20-20                       Y/N                         If yes, then the following fields will not be required on accounting                                                                            edits:

source code 10: invoice, invoice date, voucher, deposit #.

source code 20: invoice, invoice date, voucher.

source code 50: due date

21-100                                                     Reserved


Enter "Options" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listings.


5.                Reserved



6.            Accounts Receivable Account Numbers


Key *0000001


Function:  These accounts define the accounts recievable accounts for balancing purposes.  Also, the accounts are posted to the OUTS file for all companies.  The OUTS (outstanding) file contains A/R records used in processing statements.  If you wish to not produce statements for some companies, then the option to omit receivable records should be set to yes in the company identification master.


General Ledger Accounts : (Max of 12)


                COLUMN             G/L ACCOUNT

                FROM-TO                PRIMARY                           SUB


1.             11-17                 ___              ____

2.             18-24                 ___              ____

3.             25-31                 ___              ____

4.             32-38                 ___              ____

5.             39-45                 ___              ____

6.             46-52                 ___              ____

7.             53-59                 ___              ____

8.             60-66                 ___              ____

9.             67-73                 ___              ____

10.           74-80                 ___              ____

11.           81-87                 ___              ____

12.           88-94                 ___              ____

13.           95-98                      .____                                Interest Rate for interest calculation of delinquent accounts

Enter "A/R Accts" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listings.


* If the Joint Interest Billing Application is installed, the first account must be the joint interest accounts receivable account.


These accounts are posted to the OUTS file for all companies.


7.            Accounts Payable Account Numbers


Key *0000002


General Ledger Accounts : (Max of 12)



FROM-TO                    PRIMARY            SUB


1.      11-17              ___      ____

2.      18-24              ___      ____

3.      25-31              ___      ____

4.      32-38              ___      ____

5.      39-45              ___      ____

6.      46-52              ___      ____

7.      53-59              ___      ____

8.      60-66              ___      ____

9.      67-73              ___      ____

10.    74-80              ___      ____

11.    81-87              ___      ____

12.    88-94              ___      ____


Enter "A/P ACCTS" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listings.


*If the Joint Interest Billing Application is installed, the first account must be the joint interest accounts payable account.


These accounts are posted to the OUTS file for all companies.


8.         Cash Account Numbers


Key *0000006


General Ledger Accounts : (Max of 12)


COLUMN                     G/L ACCOUNT

FROM-TO                    PRIMARY            SUB


1.      11-17              ___      ____

2.      18-24              ___      ____

3.      25-31              ___      ____

4.      32-38              ___      ____

5.      39-45              ___      ____

6.      46-52              ___      ____

7.      53-59              ___      ____

8.      60-66              ___      ____

9.      67-73              ___      ____

10.    74-80              ___      ____

11.    81-87              ___      ____

12.    88-94              ___      ____



Enter "Cash Accts" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listing.


9.         Lease Primary Account Numbers


Function: These primary accounts will require a lease number in transactions which will be validated against the lease master records.


Key *0000016


General Ledger Primary Accounts : (Max of 30)


COLUMN           G/L Primary                 COLUMN                     G/L Primary

FROM-TO                    ACCOUNT                 FROM-TO                              ACCOUNT


1.      11-13              ___

2.      14-16              ___

3.      17-19              ___

4.      20-22              ___

5.      23-25              ___

6.      26-28              ___

7.      29-31              ___

8.      32-34              ___

9.      35-37              ___

10.    38-40              ___

11.    41-43              ___

12.    44-46              ___

13.    47-49              ___

14.    50-52              ___

15.    53-55              ___

16.    56-58              ___

17.    59-61              ___

18.    62-64              ___

19.    65-67              ___

20.    68-70              ___

21.    71-73              ___

22.    74-76              ___

23.    77-79              ___

24.    80-82              ___

25.    83-85              ___

26.    86-88              ___

27.    89-91              ___

28.    92-94              ___

29.    95-97              ___

30.    98-100            ___


Enter "LEASE NUMBER ACCTS" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listings.

10.            Name and Address Primary Accounts


Function: The primary accounts will require a name and address # in transactions which will be validated against name and address masters.


Key *0000017


General Ledger Primary Accounts : (Max of 30)


COLUMN           G/L Primary                 COLUMN                     G/L Primary

FROM-TO                    ACCOUNT                 FROM-TO                              ACCOUNT


1.      11-13              ___

2.      14-16              ___

3.      17-19              ___

4.      20-22              ___

5.      23-25              ___

6.      26-28              ___

7.      29-31              ___

8.      32-34              ___

9.      35-37              ___

10.    38-40              ___

11.    41-43              ___

12.    44-46              ___

13.    47-49              ___

14.    50-52              ___

15.    53-55              ___

16.    56-58              ___

17.    59-61              ___

18.    62-64              ___

19.    65-67              ___

20.    68-70              ___

21.    71-73              ___

22.    74-76              ___

23.    77-79              ___

24.    80-82              ___

25.    83-85              ___

26.    86-88              ___

27.    89-91              ___

28.    92-94              ___

29.    95-97              ___

30.    98-100            ___


Enter "N/A ACCTS" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listings.

11.       Net Amount Primary Accounts


Function: These primary accounts define which transactions are to be posted to the RAESUM accounts. Only the net amount will be posted.


Key *0000013


General Ledger Primary Accounts : (Max of 30)


COLUMN           G/L Primary                 COLUMN                     G/L Primary

FROM-TO                    ACCOUNT                 FROM-TO                              ACCOUNT


1.      11-13              ___

2.      14-16              ___

3.      17-19              ___

4.      20-22              ___

5.      23-25              ___

6.      26-28              ___

7.      29-31              ___

8.      32-34              ___

9.      35-37              ___

10.    38-40              ___

11.    41-43              ___

12.    44-46              ___

13.    47-49              ___

14.    50-52              ___

15.    53-55              ___

16.    56-58              ___

17.    59-61              ___

18.    62-64              ___

19.    65-67              ___

20.    68-70              ___

21.    71-73              ___

22.    74-76              ___

23.    77-79              ___

24.    80-82              ___

25.    83-85              ___

26.    86-88              ___

27.    89-91              ___

28.    92-94              ___

29.    95-97              ___

30.    98-100            ___


Enter "NET ACCTS" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listings.

12.       Gross Amount Primary Accounts


Function: These primary accounts define which transactions are to be posted to the RAESUM accounts.  Only the gross amount will be posted.


Key *0000014


General Ledger Primary Accounts : (Max of 30)


COLUMN           G/L Primary                 COLUMN           G/L Primary

FROM-TO                    ACCOUNTS          FROM-TO                    ACCOUNTS


1.      11-13              ___

2.      14-16              ___

3.      17-19              ___

4.      20-22              ___

5.      23-25              ___

6.      26-28              ___

7.      29-31              ___

8.      32-34              ___

9.      35-37              ___

10.    38-40              ___

11.    41-43              ___

12.    44-46              ___

13.    47-49              ___

14.    50-52              ___

15.    53-55              ___

16.    56-58              ___

17.    59-61              ___

18.    62-64              ___

19.    65-67              ___

20.    68-70              ___

21.    71-73              ___

22.    74-76              ___

23.    77-79              ___

24.    80-82              ___

25.    83-85              ___

26.    86-88              ___

27.    89-91              ___

28.    92-94              ___

29.    95-97              ___

30.    98-100            ___



31.      Enter "GROSS ACCTS" in columns 101-128 to identify the report on listings.

13.       AFE Number Primary Account


Key *0000025


General Ledger Primary Accounts : (Max of 30)


          COLUMN G/L Primary                  COLUMN           G/L Primary       

          FROM-TO          ACCOUNTS          FROM-TO                    ACCOUNTS


1.      11-13               ___

2.      14-16               ___

3.      17-19               ___

4.      20-22               ___

5.      23-25               ___

6.      26-28               ___

7.      29-31               ___

8.      32-34               ___

9.      35-37               ___

10.    38-40               ___

11.    41-43               ___

12.    44-46               ___

13.    47-49               ___

14.    50-52               ___

15.    53-55               ___

16.    56-58               ___

17.    59-61               ___

18.    62-64               ___

19.    65-67               ___

20.    68-70               ___

21.    71-73               ___

22.    74-76               ___

23.    77-79               ___

24.    80-82               ___

25.    83-85               ___

26.    86-88               ___

27.    89-91               ___

28.    92-94               ___

29.    95-97               ___

30.    98-100             ___


Enter "AFE ACCTS" in columns 101-128 to identify the report on listings.


14.       AFE Description By Type


Key *OAAAAB _ -Type code of AFE as follows:



( 10 - 41 )  Description By Type


1.       Lease Acquisition

2.       Geological/Geophysical

3.       Drilling/Completion

4.       Equipment/Facilities

5.       Plug and Abandon

6.       Recompletion

7.       Workover

8.       Supplement

9.       Contract Drilling

10.     General


Note: Can only enter one (1) type code & description per control record.


15.       Plug '00000' to DV/BR#


Key *0000026


Function:  These accounts allow the computer to override or “plug” a ‘00000’ to these accounts even if the key operator entered a division/branch # in the CO/DV/BR field.  You might use this to prevent keying errors on A/R, A/P, and cash accounts.


General Ledger Primary Accounts : (Max of 30)


          COLUMN G/L Primary                  COLUMN           G/L Primary       

          FROM-TO          ACCOUNTS          FROM-TO                    ACCOUNTS


1.      11-13               ___

2.      14-16               ___

3.      17-19               ___

4.      20-22               ___

5.      23-25               ___

6.      26-28               ___

7.      29-31               ___

8.      32-34               ___

9.      35-37               ___

10.    38-40               ___

11.    41-43               ___

12.    44-46               ___

13.    47-49               ___

14.    50-52               ___

15.    53-55               ___

16.    56-58               ___

17.    59-61               ___

18.    62-64               ___

19.    65-67               ___

20.    68-70               ___

21.    71-73               ___

22.    74-76               ___

23.    77-79               ___

24.    80-82               ___

25.    83-85               ___

26.    86-88               ___

27.    89-91               ___

28.    92-94               ___

29.    95-97               ___

30.    98-100             ___



Enter "PLUG DV/BR#' in columns 101-128 to identify the report on listings.

16.            Currency Conversion


Function: To define the currency conversion for companies and G/L accounts.


Key *0000027


1.      11-12                    __          Primary Co# (Company to which conversion rates are applied

2.      13-14                    __          Secondary Co# (Shadow company)

3.      15-21                    _______          Cash G/L# for primary co#

4.      22-28                    _______          Cash G/L# for secondary co#

5.      29-35                    _______          Cash conversion G/L# - Manual

6.      36-42                    _______          Clearing conversion for G/L# - Automatic



100-0100          Canadian

100-0200          US

100-0400          Manual

100-0500          Automatic


Enter “Currency Conversion” in Cols 101-128




17.       Omit plug of DV/BR of “00000” to Cash


Function: To define the G/L accounts which should not have DV/BR of “00000” plugged.


Key *0000028


General Ledger Accounts : (Max of 12)





1.             11-17                 ___              ____

2.             18-24                 ___              ____

3.             25-31                 ___              ____

4.             32-38                 ___              ____

5.             39-45                 ___              ____

6.             46-52                 ___              ____

7.             53-59                 ___              ____

8.             60-66                 ___              ____

9.             67-73                 ___              ____

10.           74-80                 ___              ____

11.           81-87                 ___              ____

12.           88-94                 ___              ____


Enter "Omit plug of “00000” to Cash G/L" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listing.



18.            Overhead Co/DV/Br Billing


Function: Used to set up a company for billing out or allocating all overhead charges to other related entities.


Key *0000029


General Ledger Accounts : (Max of 12)



FROM-TO                    DATA      


1.       11-17       _______   Overhead CO/DV/BR#

All accounts to this CO/DV/BR will be billed except for the following accounts in Cols 18-94


Eleven accounts in Cols 18-94 Do not bill these accounts



FROM-TO                    PRIMARY          SUB


2.       18-24       ___       ____

3.       25-31       ___       ____

4.       32-38       ___       ____

5.       39-45       ___       ____

6.       46-52       ___       ____

7.       53-59       ___       ____

8.       60-66       ___       ____

9.       67-73       ___       ____

10.     74-80       ___       ____

11.     81-87       ___       ____

12.     88-94       ___       ____


Enter "OH CO/DV/BR Billing" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listing.

19.       Type of 1099


Function: Used to set up user defined 1099 codes.

Ex:           A=Non-employee compensation - 1099 MISC

R=Rents - 1099 MISC

                T=Prizes, awards, travel - 1099 MISC



Key *GLAAAA_  where _ is the character code




FROM-TO                    DATA      


1.       10-11                     Box # on the 1099

form. Prints on the notice and is used in the IRS-BBS file.

2.       12-43                     Description of Box # and 1099 code.

3.       44-67                     Not used

4.       68-68                     Index of the Box #. IMPORTANT! Used in the

IRP-BBS file. Can be 1 through 7.



3=other income

4=federal income tax withheld

5=fishing boat proceeds

6=medical and health care payments

7=non-employee compensation

8=substitute payments

9=excess golden parachute payments


Enter "1099 control record" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listing.

20.       1099 Transmitter Record


Function: Provide IRP-BBS with data for the Transmitter “T” record







FROM-TO                    DATA      


1.       10-18                     Transmitters Tax Identification number

2.       19-58                     Transmitter name

3.       59-88                     Name of contact person

4.       89-98                     Contact phone

                                       (no punctuation)


Enter "1099 transmitter record" in columns 101-128 to identify the record on listing.




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Cliff Buchanan - 915-550-3302